ASUS Addresses Concerns Regarding PCIe Quick-Release Slot

Following reports of excessive wear on a graphics card's contact pins, alleged to stem from the use of ASUS motherboards' quick-release PCIe slot, the company has issued a statement.

ASUS Investigation and Statement

After thorough testing and evaluation, ASUS states that it "found no damage to the motherboard or graphics card that would affect functionality or performance" when using motherboards with PCIe Q-Release Slim slots. The company emphasizes that PCIe cards typically exhibit wear after 60 insertions and removals, highlighting the importance of proper installation and removal techniques.

ASUS's Commitment

ASUS expresses its willingness to "take full responsibility for any specific issues or abnormalities" resulting from the use of quick-release slots.

Future Design Considerations

It remains unclear whether ASUS intends to modify the design of quick-release PCIe slots in future motherboard iterations.

Observations from the Field

While the issue raised concerns, it's important to note that the excessive wear observed was isolated to a specific case. Many users have reported no issues with similar PCIe quick-release systems, suggesting that the wear may be attributed to specific circumstances or excessive use.


Users are advised to follow ASUS's installation and removal guidelines when using PCIe Q-Release Slim slots to minimize any potential wear. While some wear is inevitable, it is unlikely to impact the card's performance or longevity significantly.