Helldiver's 2 CCO Takes Sabbatical After Years of Hard Work
Reason for Departure
Johan Pilestedt, former CEO and current CCO of Helldiver's 2, has announced a sabbatical after years of dedicated work. Pilestedt has been an outspoken and influential voice in the game's development, engaging with players on game balance, controversies, and developer-player interactions.
Temporary Nature of Absence
Shams Jorjani, the game's current CEO, has assured players that Pilestedt's absence will be temporary: "Johan is just on an extended vacation. He's never been on a proper vacation since the company was founded," said Jorjani. "When he's back, he'll keep being the grandfather and sounding board for Helldivers."
Continued Support for Helldivers 2
Jorjani emphasized that player interest drives support for Helldivers 2: "As long as people play and pay, we'll support it to hell and back." The team is committed to ongoing development and innovation.
Potential for Helldivers 3
Asked about the need for a third game, Jorjani suggested that ongoing support for Helldivers 2 may make it unnecessary: "Compare Helldivers today to when it launched. It's so, so much more. Now imagine Helldivers in three years." He sees the potential for substantial improvements and additions that could potentially render a direct sequel obsolete.