Battlefield Labs: A Pre-Alpha Playtest for the Next Battlefield


Battlefield Labs Launch:

Announcing Battlefield Labs, a new playtesting initiative for the upcoming Battlefield game. Participants will have the exclusive opportunity to provide feedback on a pre-alpha version of the game.

Battlefield Studios: A Collaboration

The series' development is now handled by a consortium of four studios: DICE, EA Motive, Criterion, and Ripple Effect. Each studio will contribute to the overall project, with DICE focusing on multiplayer and core systems, Criterion on single-player campaigns, Motive on maps and missions, and Ripple Effect on an unannounced "new experience."

Pre-Alpha Gameplay Revealed

A 10-second glimpse of pre-alpha gameplay showcases a return to Battlefield's core elements: intense combat, immersive destruction, and familiar vehicles and weapons. The footage evokes the visuals and gameplay of Battlefield 3 and 4.

Back to Basics Approach

The next Battlefield aims to recapture the essence of the series' roots, focusing on the core pillars that made it popular. This includes enhanced destruction, which looks more realistic than ever before.

NDA and Playtest Details

Playtesters will be required to sign a strict NDA. Similar to Skate playtests, the focus is on collecting feedback rather than showcasing the game to the public.


Battlefield Labs offers players a chance to influence the development of the next Battlefield. The pre-alpha gameplay footage hints at a return to the series' strengths, and the collaboration of four studios adds a new dimension to its creation.