Bloodborne Fan Project Removals Stoke Speculation of PC Release
Recent actions by Sony and its copyright enforcer, MarkScan, have removed several Bloodborne-related fan projects, sparking speculation about an official PC release.
Nightmare Kart Expansion and BloodbornePSX Takedown
Lilith Walther, creator of Nightmare Kart and BloodbornePSX, announced an expansion for the former. However, Sony and MarkScan issued takedowns for BloodbornePSX's video and download link, prompting Walther to halt future distribution of the demake.
Takedown of 60 FPS Patch
MarkScan also targeted a 60 FPS patch for the ShadPS4 emulator, one of the few ways to play Bloodborne on PC. Lance McDonald, the patch's creator, attributed the takedown to MarkScan's aggressive enforcement on Bloodborne fan projects.
Sony's Heavy-Handed Approach
Observers have criticized Sony's strict approach to fan projects, especially given its earlier handling of Nightmare Kart, which was initially called "Bloodborne Kart" before Sony requested a name change.
Speculation of PC Release
The takedowns have fueled speculation that Sony may be preparing an official Bloodborne release for PC. However, if this is the case, it remains unclear why the company would clamp down on harmless fan projects before catering to the audience's demand.