Bloodborne 60fps Mod Takedown Raises Concerns for Modding Community


Sony has issued a DMCA takedown request against prominent Bloodborne modder Lance McDonald, removing his 60fps hack from the internet. The move has sparked concerns about the intimidation of the modding and emulation community.

Key Points

* McDonald's hack removed Bloodborne's 30fps cap, enhancing gameplay performance.
* The mod was integrated into the popular ShadPS4 emulator, allowing PC players to experience Bloodborne at 60fps.
* Sony's DMCA takedown raises questions about the legality of modifying games for noncommercial use.
* The takedown echoes tactics used by Nintendo to suppress modding activities.
* Despite potential silver linings, such as increased attention from Sony to Bloodborne, the modding community remains pessimistic about the future of the game on modern platforms.