Bloodborne Fan Demake Removed Amid Sony Crackdown

It's been a tumultuous week for Lilith Walther, creator of Bloodborne parody "Nightmare Kart" and demake "Bloodborne PSX."

Sony has taken down Walther's Bloodborne PSX download link due to copyright infringement claims. MarkScan, acting on behalf of Sony, also removed the demake from

This is not the first time Sony has targeted Walther's work. Nightmare Kart was originally named "Bloodborne Kart" until Sony requested a branding change.

MarkScan's recent enforcement actions extend beyond Bloodborne, including the takedown of a 60 fps patch for the ShadPS4 emulator.

Sony's approach has prompted speculation about a potential official PC release of Bloodborne. However, fans question the timing of the crackdown on harmless fan projects.

Despite Sony's right to protect its intellectual property, the severity of MarkScan's enforcement methods raises concerns.