Spider-Man 2 PC Port Suffers from DirectStorage Issues

The PC port of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has encountered performance problems due to DirectStorage issues.


DirectStorage, a Microsoft API, aims to improve data transfer between SSDs and graphics cards, reducing CPU load. However, in Spider-Man 2, DirectStorage's GPU decompression option is reportedly causing performance degradation.

Technical Analysis

Spider-Man 2 employs GPU decompression for DirectStorage, which involves the graphics processor handling asset decompression. This task consumes GPU resources, which can impact performance, especially in demanding games like Spider-Man 2, which features ray tracing and a fast-paced open world.

Potential Causes

Tech channel Compusemble suggests that Nixxes Software, the port developer, may have underestimated the impact of GPU decompression on Spider-Man 2's performance. It also highlights that the game uses GPU decompression even at lower graphics settings, unlike other Nixxes ports like Ratchet & Clank.

Possible Solutions

Disabling GPU decompression could resolve the issue but may introduce problems for PCs with weaker CPUs. Nixxes will likely release a patch to address the performance issues.

Concerns and Implications

The issue raises concerns about Nixxes Software's capacity to handle multiple porting projects effectively. Spider-Man 2 is the seventh port completed by the studio in over two years. Sony's efforts to bring its releases to PC may require Nixxes to prioritize projects to ensure optimal quality.


While the DirectStorage issues in Spider-Man 2 are expected to be resolved, it highlights the challenges of porting demanding games and the potential for developers to overextend their resources. Nixxes Software may need to consider evaluating its workload to deliver high-quality PC ports that meet player expectations.