Spider-Man 2 PC Port Struggles with DirectStorage Issues

The PC port of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has faced challenges at launch due to bugs and performance problems. A significant contributor is the use of DirectStorage, which consumes excessive GPU resources.

DirectStorage's GPU Decompression

Nixxes Software, responsible for the port, has a successful track record with Sony ports. However, Spider-Man 2 employs DirectStorage with GPU decompression, unlike most other ported games. This feature allows the GPU to handle asset decompression, reducing CPU workload.

Performance Impacts

However, when the GPU's performance is heavily taxed, as in Spider-Man 2 with ray tracing and its fast-paced, open world, GPU decompression can degrade performance. Nixxes did not employ this feature in Ghost of Tsushima, suggesting a potential oversight.

Possible Solutions and Concerns

Disabling GPU decompression could resolve the issue. However, it may also introduce problems for PCs with weaker CPUs or exacerbate performance issues in CPU-intensive sections of the game.

Nixxes' Workload

The issue raises concerns about Nixxes' workload, given its extensive porting projects in recent years. The tight turnaround from Spider-Man 2's PS5 release in October 2023 suggests simultaneous work on multiple ports.

Sony's PC Release Strategy

Sony's push for timely PC releases of its major titles puts pressure on Nixxes. The company may need to consider declining projects to ensure quality deliverables.


While the issue with Spider-Man 2's DirectStorage use is likely to be resolved, it highlights the challenges of porting games from consoles to PC and the potential strain on studios facing high workloads.