PC Gaming Development Skyrockets in 2025 Amidst Industry Growth
Despite previous proclamations of decline, PC gaming development has experienced a significant surge, according to the GDC's 2025 State of the Game Industry report. A staggering 80% of the 3,000+ developers surveyed indicated they are currently developing games for PC.
This marked increase from the 66% reported in 2024 solidifies PC's dominance as the primary development platform. It also far outpaces console platforms such as PlayStation 5 (38%) and Xbox Series X/S (34%).
The upward trend in PC development has been consistent over the past several years, with 56% (2020), 58% (2021), 63% (2022), and 65% (2023) of developers reporting PC development activities. Notably, interest in developing for PC has surged to 74%, a significant increase from 62% last year.
Valve's Steam Deck May Be a Contributing Factor
The GDC report speculates that the rise in PC development may be linked to the growing popularity of Valve's Steam Deck. While the survey did not explicitly name the handheld gaming device as a separate platform, nearly half (44%) of developers who cited interest in other platforms mentioned the Steam Deck.
The accessibility and ease of development for PC may also be driving its resurgence. The report suggests that creating games on PC is relatively straightforward, involving only the selection of a programming language and registration on Steam.
Western Developers Dominate Survey Results
It is important to note that the GDC State of the Game Industry survey primarily focuses on Western developers, with 58% of respondents located in the US. Countries with strong mobile gaming markets, such as China, are underrepresented.
Despite Industry Woes, PC Dominance Continues
Despite the dominant position of PC development, the survey reveals challenges within the industry. Notably, 10% of respondents reported facing layoffs in 2024, and 4% had their studios closed.